tek's rating: ¼

The Mercury Men, originally on Syfy.com (but it has been removed from that site)
IMDb; official website; TV.com; TV Tropes; Wikipedia; YouTube

This was a 10-episode series that I watched on Syfy.com in 2011, I think. It was a science fiction series, shot in black and white. It had a very retro, movie serial style which I liked. It was about an alien invasion of Earth, and the people who try to stop it. But I couldn't tell you much more than that. At the time, I remember thinking that I wouldn't bother writing a review unless there was another season, but... there wasn't. And a few years later, I decided I should probably at least mention the series, so... here I am, mentioning it. I definitely wanted to like it more than I actually did, but it was decent, and if I watched it again sometime, I might rate it a bit higher. Anyway, it's not on Syfy's site anymore, but you can watch it on YouTube.

See also Echo Torch

science fiction webseries index