tek's rating:

Automata, on Dust (YouTube)
Dust.com; Dust.tv; IMDb; YouTube

This is based on a side comic from Penny Arcade, but it's an original story. It has five regular episodes, averaging about ten minutes each, plus a shorter epilogue. It's set in an alternate reality New York City of the 1930s, in which there are sentient robots called automatons, though a law has recently been passed prohibiting the manufacture of any more of them. That's not enough for some people, Luddites, who want the existing automatons destroyed, but that's getting ahead of myself. The story focuses on a former cop, now a private detective named Sam Regal, who has an automaton partner named Carl Swangee (Doug Jones). A woman named Verna Southern runs a brothel with automaton prostitutes. In the first episode, one of her clients is murdered, after Sam and Carl had been hired by her husband to find out if she was having an affair. The automaton the victim was with is named David, and he's a suspect in the murder. But Verna doesn't believe he's guilty, even though he's gone missing. She hires Sam and Carl to find him. And their investigation leads to a group of Luddites.

That's all I want to say about the plot, but it gets more complicated and actually managed to surprise me. I definitely thought it was a decent story, and I'd really like for there to be another season... especially after the way the epilogue ends.

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