shows I want to see: Masterpiece/Mystery!
shows I want to see action/adventure / animated / anime / anthology / CGI / detectives / drama / fantasy / horror / kid/teen / legal / period / sci-fi / sitcoms / sketch / superheroes / supernatural & paranormal
see also: DCOMs / limited series / Masterpiece/Mystery / miniseries / shows I've missed since 2011 / specials / TV movies (2011-present) / Wonderful World of Disney

There are, of course, programs that have aired on Mystery! or Masterpiece Theatre that already have their own pages, some of which I'd like to see again to refresh my memory (and possibly write better reviews), as well as things I don't feel a particular need to see again, whether or not my existing reviews are adequate. But the things on this page will be things I either haven't seen yet, or things I saw well before I ever started writing reviews, and now don't remember enough to say anything about at all. Of course, there have been countless other things that aired on Mystery! and Masterpiece Theatre over the years that I don't list, and haven't seen, but would probably like if I did see... and yet have no particular interest in seeing. I guess.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, on ITV (UK)
Amazon; Baker Street Wiki; BritBox; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired from 1984-94 in the U.K., and... probably about the same time in the U.S., on Mystery! Actually, the series as a whole can just be called "Sherlock Holmes," which consists of four separate series. "Adventures" (1984-85) was followed by The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1986-88), The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (1991-93), and The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1994). I think there were also some TV movies that weren't specifically a part of any of these series, but which similiarly starred Jeremy Brett as Holmes. And he is commonly considered to have given probably the most definitive performance of the character, ever. I'm afraid I don't remember how much of any of this I watched (it's possible I just saw a few movies, and none of the actual series), but I don't think I was even aware of this until the early 90s. Nor do I remember anything specific about whatever I watched, but I do remember thinking Brett was really good. So I'd be happy to see any of his performances as Holmes, again or for the first time.

Bleak House, on BBC One (UK)
Amazon; BBC; BritBox; Hulu; IMDb; PBS (archived); TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 2005 in the U.K., and in 2006 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. I started watching it, but didn't get to see the whole thing. (Besides which, the American version was shorter than the British version.) It starred Gillian Anderson, and it seemed like an interesting story. So I'd like to see the whole thing someday.

Clarissa, on BBC Two (UK)
IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 1991 in the U.K., and in 1992 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. I know I saw a bit of it, but probably not all of it. And I don't remember much about it, but I did kind of like it, and I'd like to see the whole thing sometime.

Downton Abbey, on ITV (UK)
Amazon; A.V. Club; IMDb; PBS (archived); Peacock; TV Tropes; WGBH; Wikipedia

This ongoing series began airing in 2010 in the U.K., and in 2011 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. I don't really know anything about it, but it seems like I've heard it referenced in lots of shows and stuff. So I'd like to check out someday, if I can see it from the beginning.

The Hound of the Baskervilles, on BBC One (UK)
Amazon; IMDb; PBS (archived); TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 2002 in the U.K., and in 2003 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. I don't remember whether I saw it or not, though I'm pretty sure I saw the sequel, "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking". I'd like to see both movies sometime.

House of Cards, on BBC One (UK)
Amazon; BBC; Great but Forgotten; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 1990 in the U.K., and in 1991 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. I'm sure I saw it, and liked it, but I don't remember it well. It also had a sequel, "To Play the King," which I must have seen at least part of, and another, "The Final Cut," which I'm pretty sure I didn't see. I'd like to see all three serials. There was later an American remake on Netflix, starting in 2013. I've never seen that, but would probably like to.

I, Claudius, on BBC Two (UK)
Acorn TV; Amazon; BBC; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This first aired in 1976 in the U.K., and in 1977 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. I must have first seen it sometime in the late 80s or early 90s, I think. (It was kind of weird seeing Patrick Stewart, whom I knew from Star Trek: The Next Generation, in a much earlier role, in this series.) Of course, there were other good actors in it, most notably Derek Jacobi (whose work I would later enjoy in Cadfael). Anyway, it was really good, so I hope to see it again, someday, and write a proper review.

Jeeves & Wooster, on ITV (UK)
IMDb; TV Tango; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired from 1990-93 in the U.K. and roughly the same time the U.S., I think, on Masterpiece Theatre. I only ever saw bits and pieces of it, but it starred Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, so of course it was great. I'd really love to see the whole series, sometime.

Martin Chuzzlewit, on BBC Two (UK)
Amazon; BBC; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 1994 in the U.K., and in 1995 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. I'm fairly sure I watched the whole thing, but all I remember about it is that Julia Sawalha (from Absolutely Fabulous) was in it. I'd like to see it again sometime, to refresh my memory.

Middlemarch, on BBC Two (UK)
BBC; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 1994 in the U.K., and in the U.S. on Masterpiece Theatre. I'm sure I saw the whole thing, and I liked it, but I don't remember much of anything about it. I'd like to see it again sometime.

Nostromo, on Rai 1 (Italy) / BBC Two (UK)
IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 1997 in Italy, the U.K., and the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. I'm sure I watched at least part of it, but now I don't remember anything about it, including whether or not I particularly liked it. I don't feel a tremendous desire to ever see it again, but one never knows...

Poldark, on BBC (UK)
Acorn TV; Amazon; IMDb; Wikipedia

This aired from 1975-77 in the U.K., and 1977-78 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. I think I might have seen a bit of it in reruns, probably in the 90s, but then again maybe I didn't. Anyway, it was pretty popular, so it might be worth checking out, sometime. There was a new series in 2015-19, which I'm not sure I'm as interested in as the original.

Pride and Prejudice, on BBC One (UK)

This serial aired in 1995 in the U.K., and in 1996 in the U.S., on A&E. It was later rerun on Masterpiece Theatre in 2008. So... if I get around to watching it and writing a review someday, it won't be in my Masterpiece/Mystery! section, but I'll probably include a link here.

Prime Suspect, on ITV (UK)
BritBox; PBS (archived); TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired from 1991-2006 in the U.K., and from 1992-2008 in the U.S., on Mystery! It consists of seven seasons, most of which were just two episodes, though one season had three episodes. Anyway, I know I watched some of the series, but probably not as much as I would have liked. And I don't really remember any of what I did see, but I know I liked it, and I'd love to watch the whole series someday.

Reilly, Ace of Spies, on ITV (UK)
IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 1983 in the U.K., and I think the same year in the U.S., on Mystery! I probably saw bits of pieces of it in reruns some years later, but I'm not really sure. It's something I've long thought I'd like to try watching all of, though.

Sense and Sensibility, on BBC One (UK)
BBC; Hulu; IMDb; PBS (archived); TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 2008 in the U.K., and the same year in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre. It is of course based on the Jane Austen novel, which I've never read. But the book has been adapted any number of times, and I expect I've likely seen the 1995 film, but I don't remember for sure. It's hard for me to imagine I've never seen any version of the story, but then again, these Austen-y things do tend to blur together in my, you know, blurry memory. Still, I'd probably like to see this version, sometime.

The Shadow in the North, on BBC One (UK)
BBC; IMDb; PBS (archived); TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in 2007 in the U.K., and 2008 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Mystery! It's the second of Philip Pullman's "Sally Lockhart" books to be adapted into TV movies, after The Ruby in the Smoke. I don't recall being aware of this one when it aired, but I reckon I wouldn't mind seeing it someday.

Skinwalkers, on PBS
IMDb; PBS (archived); Wikipedia

This aired on Mystery! in 2002. It was the first of three films based on Tony Hillerman novels to be adapted for Mystery! as American originals, rather than British imports. The second and third were Coyote Waits and A Thief of Time, both of which I've seen. But this one I haven't, so I really should. (Though, honestly, I should probably see the other two again sometime.)

Touching Evil, on ITV (UK)
Amazon; IMDB; PBS (archived); TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired from 1997-99 in the U.K., and I think from 1999-2000 in the U.S., on Mystery! I never saw any of it, but in 2004 there was a short-lived American remake on USA Network.

Upstairs, Downstairs, on ITV (UK)
BritBox; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired from 1971-75 in the U.K., and from 1974-77 in the U.S., on Masterpiece Theatre (though apparently some early episodes didn't air in the U.S. until 1989). So, it's before my time, but it was a pretty big deal, in the 70s. And there was a revival (on BBC rather than ITV) that aired from 2010-12 in the U.K. and the U.S. I haven't watched either series, but I'd probably like to, eventually.

Victoria, on ITV (UK)
Acorn; Amazon; IMDb; PBS; TV Tango; TV Tropes; WGBH; Wikia; Wikipedia

This began airing in 2016. It's about Queen Victoria. I mainly want to check it out because it stars Jenna Coleman, whose work I quite liked on Doctor Who. Other than that, I don't really know anything about it.

Wives and Daughters, on BBC (UK)
IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This aired in the U.K. in 1999, and in the U.S. in 2001, on Masterpiece Theatre. I think I was probably aware of it when it aired, but didn't see it. I'm not sure how interested I am in it, but... eh, maybe someday I'll think about watching it.

Masterpiece/Mystery! index