legal dramas

This category is mainly for shows that are about police and/or lawyers. I originally also included shows about private detectives, but I eventually moved them to their own category. But this category also includes shows about the FBI, CIA, NSA, or any organizations that investigate crimes (or try accused criminals), or engage in espionage, etc. The shows could be mysteries, or procedurals, or whatever. I dunno. I call it "dramas," but some of the shows here are definitely dramedies, maybe even comedies.

Um... you know I always like to try to be marginally clever with my names of subdirectories and file names, for my review pages. Here we have law/order.html, which obviously brings to mind "Law & Order." Which is a fine show, but I haven't seen that much of it, let alone any of its 30 or 40 spin-offs (hyperbole is fun!) So perhaps it's a bit ironic to name the file names that house this category after it. Or perhaps it simply makes perfect sense, without regard to the specific show. Or perhaps it's stupid. Or, and this is what I feel is most likely, it's something utterly irrelevant which you wouldn't even have noticed if I hadn't brought it up.

So anyway... I guess I can't think what else to say right now. On with the reviews!

See also CrimeTime After PrimeTime, detective shows, crime films, law enforcement movies, and crime fiction.