tek's rating: ¾

Peach Hips: Christmas For You
Discogs; Sailor Moon Wiki; SailorMusic.net

This was released in 1995. The group Peach Hips are actually the seiyuu from the anime Sailor Moon. This is something I learned about and downloaded sometime in the late 00s, I think. It's a reasonably fun collection of songs, sung mostly in Japanese (sometimes with a little English mixed in). But the only one I really remember is "Omedetou Christmas". There's also a lot of talking during parts of most of the songs. I'm taking the title translations from SailorMusic.net, and I can't vouch for their accuracy. Certainly they don't all translate to the original English titles, so I'll provide those, too.

1. Akahana no Tonakai (“Red Nose Reindeer”): Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

2. Jingle Bells (in Japanese)

3. Seija ga Machi ni Yattekuru (“Saints are Coming to Town”): When the Saints Go Marching In. I have no idea what it's doing on a Christmas album.

4. Omedetou Christmas (“Happy Christmas”): We Wish You a Merry Christmas. This is my favorite song on the album.

5. Santa Claus ga Yattekuru (“Here Comes Santa Claus”)

6. Santa ga Machi ni Yattekuru (“Santa Claus is Coming to Town”):

7. White Christmas: This is the only track that's entirely in English.

8. Christmas no Uta (“The Christmas Song”)

9. Ave Maria (in Japanese)

10. Kiyoshi Kono Yoru (“Silent Night”)

Christmas music index