tek's rating: ¼

Gateway (13:16)
Dust.com; Dust.tv; IMDb; YouTube

This 2011 short film was presented by Dust in 2018 and by Alter in 2019.

Two scientists are running an experiment involving something called a Faraday particle, though one of them refers to it as a soul. The film begins in what appears to be the aftermath of a catastrophic failure of the first human trial of the experiment, which could ultimately be used to save lives (after temporarily killing them). Throughout the film, we see flashbacks of the events that led up to the present, in which the older of the two scientists is alone, trapped in his heavily damaged lab, and trying to figure out what went wrong. I don't want to reveal more than that, except that it's a very interesting (and chilling) take on a deep philosophical question.

sci-fi shorts index