Amendment 10/60 (20:43)
Akis Polizos;;; Film Shortage; IMDb; Vimeo; YouTube
This 2013 short film was presented by Dust in 2017.
This is a Greek film with English subtitles. It begins with some text exposition that sets up the story. In 1947, a nuclear war began. In 1950, it ended. The story takes place in 1954, three years after the Unified Field Theory was proven. This apparently allows for time travel of some sort, though the details never really become clear. Anyway, science is blamed for the nuclear holocaust, so now there's essentially a war against science itself. Many scientists are killed, and many books burned. But those who are against science are still trying to locate a secret terminal that could be used for time travel. It is hidden in the home of a professor's assistant, and the assistant's pregnant wife. The professor finally discovers the exact date required to prevent all that has happened... but it's in 1944, which is a few years before the assistant met his wife, and he is reluctant to change history, if it means they might never meet.
So... I don't know what else to say, except the film is affecting on both a personal and an epic scale. And I think it's entirely (and scarily) too close to our present reality (I watched it in 2020), when so many people seem to view science as the enemy of humanity.