tek's rating: ¼

Remembering (8:30), on Disney+
Disney Movies; Disney Wiki; IMDb

This was released on Disney+ on September 8, 2022 (Disney+ Day). I was going to list it under web specials, but just because it doesn't have a page on Disney+ Originals, I decided to go with short films, instead. It's possible to watch it with Augmented Reality, if you have the right stuff, like an iPhone or whatever. I dunno. It wasn't possible for me to do, because I don't... have the right stuff. Anyway, it stars Brie Larson as a writer who suddenly gets an idea, which appears in the form of a... glowy thing. Then the phone rings, and when she answers it, the idea goes away. It reappears in the land of imagination, where it meets the writer's inner child. She shows the idea around the place, all its wonders, before leading it back to the cottage where the writer lives.

I liked the short film's visuals, even without AR. It was all rather magical. I had mixed feelings about the child's acting, though. And, I dunno... overall I just didn't enjoy the story as much as I hoped I would. But I'm definitely glad to have seen it. It was cute, and I did like the basic concept.

fantasy shorts index