entertainment-education short films
action * animated * anthology * CGI * Christmas * comedy * comix * drama * dystopian * entertainment-education * fantasy *
Halloween * horror * mockumentary * quirky * romance * sci-fi * stop-motion * supernatural & paranormal * weird/surreal * zombies

Entertainment-Education (EE) is a strategy for affecting some kind of social change, I guess. It differs from educational entertainment in that the main point is a social issue, with some elements of entertainment built around that issue, as opposed to including educational elements within a work whose primary purpose is entertainment. So anyway... for my purposes, this may include various genres (mainly drama) of short film, and various degrees of "entertainment" value. And of course, I'll be making my own best judgement to decide which films count as "EE." As always, your mileage may vary.

See also documentary films and informational shows