A series of three shorts that take place after Toy Story 3. They were originally released in 2011-2012, but I didn't see them until 2023-24.
See also Lamp Life
Hawaiian Vacation (6:42)
IMDb; Pixar Wiki; Toy Story Wiki; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Disney+; Google Play; Vudu; YouTube
This short was originally released theatrically with "Cars 2" in June 2011, and is available on the home video release of that movie, as well as the Pixar Short Films Collection vol. 2, and the home video release of Toy Story of Terror! When Bonnie (the toys' new owner since the end of "Toy Story 3") goes on a trip to Hawaii during her winter break from school, Ken and Barbie expect to go with her. Unfortunately, she leaves them behind. So the rest of the toys create a Hawaiian vacation for them at home. It was pretty cute and sweet and fairly amusing. And I liked Barbie and Ken's candy necklaces serving as leis. Plus there's a nice little post-credits scene.
Small Fry (7:04)
IMDb; Pixar Wiki; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Disney+; Google Play; Vudu; YouTube
This short was originally released theatrically with The Muppets in November 2011. It is available on the Pixar Short Films Collection vol. 2, and the home video release of "Toy Story of Terror!" Bonnie takes Buzz and Rex to a fast food chicken restaurant called Poultry Palace. She wants a Buzz Lightyear toy with her fun meal, but the only one that's left is the display model, which isn't for sale. However, the display Buzz toy is determined to get out of the restaurant and belong to a kid, so when Bonnie leaves Buzz and Rex in the ball pit, mini-Buzz takes "real" Buzz's place and goes home with Bonnie. Meanwhile, the real Buzz winds up in a support group for discarded fun meal toys, led by a battle mermaid named Neptuna (voiced by Jane Lynch), but he's desperate to get home. I don't want to reveal any more of the plot, but of course it has a happy ending. And I must say, I liked all the toys in the support group. (There was even a Condorman toy!) And the closing credits have some decent gags with different food items on the menu, and there's a little post-credits scene with mini-Zurg.
Partysaurus Rex (6:31)
IMDb; Pixar Wiki; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Disney+; Google Play; Vudu; YouTube
This short was originally released theatrically with the 3D re-release of Finding Nemo in September 2012. It's available on the updated Blu-ray release of Monsters, Inc., "Toy Story of Terror!", and The Pixar Short Films Collection vol. 3. After the other toys call Rex a party-pooper, Bonnie takes him with her for bath time. After the bath is over, Rex tells the bath toys that he's known as "Partysaurus Rex", and turns the water back on so they can all have a party. Things eventually get out of control. And that's all I want to say about the plot, but it's a fun story, and it was nice seeing Rex get some respect, for a change.