La Noria (12:54)
Carlos Baena; IMDb; official website; Short of the Week; Variety; Vimeo; YouTube
This 2018 short film was presented by Alter in 2019, apparently. I don't know, I started watching Alter in 2022, and I'm pretty sure the video wasn't there until several months after I started exploring the channel. So that's weird. Maybe they reposted it after removing it for awhile, or something? Unless I somehow just failed to see it every time I scrolled through the list of films. (I first saw it somewhere else, but it disappeared from the YouTube channel I originally watched it on, so I'm glad I finally stumbled upon it on Alter.)
There's basically no dialogue in this film, but it's fairly easy to get what's going on. A sad young boy builds a model Ferris Wheel (noria), which we can tell from photographs reminds him of his father, who has presumably died. After the model gets broken... horrifying creatures begin chasing him throughout his house. There is a twist ending, but that's all I want to say about the plot. As for the short as a whole, it's mostly enjoyable because the animation is really great, though the emotional aspect of the story is good, too.