tek's rating: ¾

Far from the Tree (7:21)
Disney Animation; Disney Wiki; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Disney+

This was released in theaters in November 2021 alongside Encanto, and in December both that feature and this short were released on Disney+. I originally filed it under "animated shorts" because it looks pretty much like traditional animation, but it's actually computer animated, so I eventually moved my review.

A parent raccoon takes its child to the beach, where the parent digs for oysters. The child keeps running off to have fun, and the parent keeps stopping it. Eventually the child learns that its parent was trying to protect it from danger. Then we see the child all grown up and protecting its own child. And... there's more to it than that, but I don't want to spoil anything. Anyway, it's a very cute and sweet but also serious short film. And I like the double meaning of the title.

Disney shorts index
CGI shorts index