tek's rating:

Sea Salts (7:34)
Disney Wiki; IMDb; Wikipedia

This short is apparently from 1949, but I'm not sure in what capacity it was released at that time. All I've been able to learn about it is that it was released in 1960 with the movie Swiss Family Robinson, but obviously it must have been released prior to that. The internet isn't very helpful, sometimes. Anyway, I first saw it in 2019, as a bonus feature on the DVD of "Swiss Family Robinson."

There's a beetle, Bootle Beetle, who has been a shipmate of Captain Donald Duck for many years. He recounts a story from 1926, when the two of them were shipwrecked together. And I don't know what to say except that Donald was obviously a selfish jerk, but somehow Bootle doesn't seem to mind all that much. I didn't find the story particularly amusing, I basically just felt bad for Bootle. Though in the end it turns out that Donald didn't completely disregard Bootle. Which I guess is why Bootle has stuck by him all these years. Because just once Donald did the bare minimum of not being a dick. Well, I guess Bootle has appeared in a few other Disney shorts, but as far as I recall, this is the first time I've ever seen or heard of him. It might be interesting to see some of his other appearances, but I'm not sure that will ever happen.

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