tek's rating:

Once Upon a Studio (8:47)
Disney Animation; Disney Wiki; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Disney+

This was first released at a film festival in June 2023. It aired on ABC on October 15, and was released on Disney+ and Hulu the next day. It also played before a theatrical re-release of Moana. I first watched it on Disney+ on October 22 (because I'm a procrastinator). It's a mix of live-action and both traditional animation and CGI. A ton of characters from a ton of Disney movies come to life and pop out of pictures on the walls of the Disney studio, after everyone has gone home for the day. The characters all run around and assemble in the lobby for a group photo, taken by Goofy. I couldn't keep track of all the characters who appear in the short film, there are just too many of them. Which is awesome. The film exists to celebrate the Walt Disney Studio's 100th anniversary, which is also the reason the characters are taking a photo together. And it's all incredibly nostalgic and heartwarming and just a lot of fun.

Disney shorts index (animated) / CGI
The Wonderful World of Disney