movies I want to see: romance
Note: I may change which category I choose for my reviews after I've seen these movies. For now, I'm making my best guesses.
action/adventure / action comedy / animated / anime / B-movies / CGI / classics / comedy / coming-of-age / comix / crime / DC / disaster / documentaries /
drama / dystopian / family / fantasy / film noir / giant monsters / Halloween / holiday / law / martial arts / musicals / mystery / period / romantic / rom-com /
scary / sci-fi / Scooby-Doo / serio-comedy / short / spies / sports / supernatural / surf / teen / thrillers / true story / video games / war / weird / westerns

Annie Hall

The Big Sick

Brokeback Mountain

Great Expectations (1998)

Jungle Fever

Love Story

Me Before You

Mississippi Masala (Criterion)

One Fine Day

Romeo and Juliet (2013)


The Spectacular Now

Under the Tuscan Sun

Youth in Revolt

romantic index

Note: I may change which category I choose for my reviews after I've seen these movies. For now, I'm making my best guesses.
action/adventure / action comedy / animated / anime / B-movies / CGI / classics / comedy / coming-of-age / comix / crime / DC / disaster / documentaries /
drama / dystopian / family / fantasy / film noir / giant monsters / Halloween / holiday / law / martial arts / musicals / mystery / period / romantic / rom-com /
scary / sci-fi / Scooby-Doo / serio-comedy / short / spies / sports / supernatural / surf / teen / thrillers / true story / video games / war / weird / westerns