tek's rating:

The Green Ruby Pumpkin (2:53)
Halloween Short Films; IMDb; Miguel Ortega; Vimeo; YouTube

There's not much of a story here. It's all narrated (in a way that reminds me of a Walgreens commercial about the Town of Perfect), and that's nice enough. A series of trick-or-treaters come to a mansion to receive candy being handed out by a woman with a green pumpkin. (I didn't see anything "ruby" about the pumpkin, but it does look pretty cool, anyway.) And the trick-or-treaters all have great costumes... some of them involving CGI or other special effects. And there is a twist at the end that's kind of neat, even if it didn't surprise me. Mainly the reason to watch the film is for the visuals, though. Oh yes, it has some damn fine visuals.

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