tek's rating: meh

The Blob (not rated)
AFI Catalog; Badmovies.org; Criterion; Great but Forgotten; IMDb; Rotten Tomatoes; TCM; TV Tropes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; iTunes; Max; Vudu

This came out in 1958. I don't think I ever saw it until 2022, but it's possible I saw it like on TV or something, sometime in the late 80s or early 90s. If I did, I didn't remember anything about it when I watched it on DVD. I almost rated it "sub-meh", or actually I was going to say something like "just a little bit sub-meh". The writing and acting were pretty bad, and at times it was kind of hard to watch, but I guess I kind of liked how it ended. I mean, I was amused by the line "as long as the Arctic stays cold". Because, you know... climate change. I also liked the line "Can't I just dust around the fingerprints?"

Anyway, Steve McQueen plays a guy named Steve, who is on a date with a girl named Jane, when they see a meteorite fall to earth, and they go to investigate. Meanwhile, some old guy also goes to investigate, and ends up getting the blobbish contents of the meteorite stuck on his hand. Steve and Jane find him and take him to see a doctor, but the doctor and his nurse both end up getting eaten by the blob. Steve and Jane try to warn the police about this, and the lieutenant, Dave, takes it somewhat seriously. His sergeant, Jim Bert, doesn't, largely because he has a grudge against teenagers. (There's a potentially interesting backstory there, but it isn't really delved into.) Steve and Jane then get some of Steve's friends to try to warn the whole town about the blob, and soon thereafter, it becomes impossible to keep disbelieving in it.

They eventually manage to stop the blob, but whether it's a permanent solution or not remains to be seen. (There's a question mark after the words "The End" appear onscreen, which is one thing that seems familiar to me, but I may have seen that done in other things.) There was a sequel in 1972, which I don't expect I'll ever see, and a remake in 1988, which I don't know if I'll ever see.

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