Star Wars books
see also Star Wars movies and Star Wars shows

As mentioned on my books I've read before page, in the 90s I read Timothy Zahn's "Thrawn Trilogy," and Steve Perry's "Shadows of the Empire." Since then, a ton of Star Wars books have been written in the "Expanded Universe," and I want to read many of them eventually, but I'm not sure when I will. Prior to the Thrawn Trilogy, lots of other Star Wars books were written, which I never read. Well... I read at least one of them, some old Han Solo story, after I'd read the newer books. But now I don't remember anything about it, except that it wasn't nearly as good as the newer books. So, I'm probably never going to read any other Star Wars books that were written pre-Thrawn. (In fact there are probably any number of post-Thrawn books in which I'd have no interest, as well.) And someday I really do need to re-read Zahn and Perry's books, so I can write proper reviews. But there are also various books I might mention that aren't really novels. In the 90s, I bought a number of technical manuals, about Star Wars characters, ships, technology, etc. I'll have to list them here, at some point. But since I bought them, I'm sure new editions of all of them have been released, with updated information. I don't know if I'll ever get any of those, I'm fairly happy with the ones I have. There are probably some other reference books I'd still like to get, though. But the reason I'm starting this page today (Star Wars Day, 2014) is to talk about The Star Wars Storybook.

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